Napisane w dniu 2019-02-05 14:25:03 przez jcuryllo.

Data rozpoczęcia: 2020-02-16
“Those who sing, pray twice!” Related to this famous sentence by St. Augustine the international choir festival & competition in Kobe, Japan takes place under the banner of “Sing’n’Pray”. The core of “Sing’n’Pray Kobe 2020” is once again, just as it was in its first edition in January 2018, the great “Pray from Kobe” concert with more than 600 singers in the beautiful Kobe Bunka Hall. Since 2012 the participants in this concert come together in order to sing and pray for the victims of the huge earthquake and tsunami around Fukushima on the east side of Japan in March 2011. In 2020 international choirs are once again invited to join this joyful celebration and sing and pray for the people and for peace on earth. The affiliated choir competition gives national and international participants the chance to compete and sing together in a peaceful contest. Considered one of Japan’s most fascinating cities, Kobe is the sixth-largest city in Japan and is the capital city of the Hyōgo Prefecture. The city is only 30 km to the west of Osaka, where the Kansai International Airport is the closest international gateway.


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