International Choral Festival We Are Singing Cracow

Napisane w dniu 2019-01-12 14:46:21 przez jcuryllo.

Miejsce: Krakow , Poland
Data rozpoczęcia: 2019-05-03
The dates of festival are May 3-5th, 2019

We Are Singing Cracow is a non-competitive meeting of all choir categories. The choirs will participate for the joy of singing, and to share their music with other choirs and audience members. This festival gives you an unique chance to get to know the magic city of Cracow and to sing in beautiful halls of Wieliczka Salt Mine and Polish churches.

A weekend-long festival of music, friendship and discovery awaits! Highlights will include a Final Concert in Wieliczka Salt Mine, an unique concert venue 135 meters underground. Individual choir concerts in Cracow, sight-seeing trips and activities for visiting choirs are also planned.

Źródło: International Choral Festival We Are Singing Cracow

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